

Monday, March 16, 2015

Types of the containers

Well closed container

A well closed container is used to protect the preparations from contamination by extraneous solid, to prevent the loss of potency of active constitute and to prevent the loss of contents during transport, storage and handling.

Air tight containers

Air tight containers are used to protect the containers from atmospheric contamination of liquids or vapors. They prevent the loss of drug due to efflorescence, deliquescent or evaporation.
Ex: GTN containers

Hermetically sealed containers

Hermetically sealed container is that which does not allow the air and other gases to pass through it. Generally these types of container are used for injectables. A glass ampoule sealed by fusion is the most common example of type of containers.

Light resistant containers

Light resistant containers are used to protect the drugs which undergo decomposition in the presence of light. Such drugs may be enclosed in light resistant amber colored or opaque containers.
Ex: Amber color bottle

Single dose container

They are used to supply only one dose of the medicament. They are sealed in such a way the contents cannot be removed without removing the seal, the contents so removed are consumed immediately.
Ex: ampoules

Multi dose containers

A multi dose container holds a number of doses. It is sealed in such a way that successive doses can be withdrawn easily without changing the strength, quality of the remaining contents.
Ex: multi dose Vial

Child resistant containers

Child resistant containers are designed to prevent the child accessing the potentially hazardous product.

Packaging of Pharmaceuticals

Features of ideal Pack

·         The pack must be economical.
·         Provide protection against climate, biological, physical and chemical hazards.
·         Provide and acceptable presentation.
·         Contribute in terms of convenience and compliance.

The selected of packaging for pharmaceutical product

·         The nature of the product
                Is chemically activity sensitivity to moisture and O2 compatibility with packaging material.
·         The type of the patient
                By an elderly, arthritics patient or by a child.
·         Dosage form
·         Method of administering the medicament
·         Required shelf life.
·         Uses.

Dose: A quantity of medicine prescribes to be taken at one time.

Dosage form : May be defined as drug delivery system in with it contains defined strength of a dose with suitable packaging ready to use.

Packaging of Pharmaceuticals

          Packaging can be defined as an economical means information, presentation, protection, identification, information, containment, convenience and compliance for a product during storage carriage display and use until such time as the product is used or administered.

Parts of the package:

  • Container
  • Closure
A container may be defined as a device in which the drug is enclosed and is in direct contact with the drug.

A closure is a device as a seals the container to exclude O2 , CO2 , moisture , micro organisms and prevent the loss of volatile substances. It also prevents the loss of medicament during transport and handling.

Other component part

Primary Package/ Container
Is the immediate container which direct contact with the drugs. Resist chemical.

Secondary Package/Container
Is the outer container may be outer rapper. It is not directly contact with  the drug.

Characteristic of container and closures

  • The container must be sufficient strong to withstand handling while empty, when filling, closing, sterilizing, labeling, transport, storage and use by the consumer. 
  • They should not allow any and loss of product due to leakage, spoilage or permeation. 
  • The material of the container from which they are prepared must not react with the contents.
  • They must be able to withstand heat if process includes sterilization by heat.
  •  They surface of the container must be clear for easy labeling.
  • The container must not absorb substances from the preparation.   
            EX:- Absorption of water and oily substances from ointment and creams by the cardboard boxes.
  •  The container must not impart its own color, taste and odor to the preparation.
  •  The container and closure must not react either with each other or with the preparation.
  • The container should be able to protect light sensitive preparation for which amber colored glass containers may be used.
  • The size of the container must be selected according to the size of the preparation.
  • The closure must be easy to remove and replace.
  • The cost of container and closure is an integral part of overall cost of the preparation, so it should not be high.
  • A container should facilitate the identification of a product. Whether meant for internal or external use.